For those who do not know PDRM is the acronym for Polis Diraja Malaysia, and if you still do not know it is the Malaysian police force. I think this video explains itself, nothing less than a sickening act of violence against a couple of robbers right under the noses of the police who allow it all to happen. What a fantastic police force we have. How are we suppose to feel safe when we have these kind of police working for us?
Enjoy and I hope you're not watching and having a meal at the same time.
Enjoy and I hope you're not watching and having a meal at the same time.
What's wrong with that. The person who posted this video merely re-posted the video with his own description, omitting some important info that was provided in the original video.
ReplyDeleteThese two robbers were armed, and they had assaulted and robbed an elderly man in broad daylight, sometime in late October 2009 in Pandan Indah.
The public then gave chase and some nearby tow truck operators managed to corner the robbers, and the rest of the public joined in to forcibly remove the robbers from the vehicle and bashed them up. The police came later but by the time they arrived, there was a large crowd and the public had already beaten the criminals half to death.
There is nothing sickening about this. When crime runs rampant, there will come a time when the people will have to take the law into their own hands.
I would like to see how you react when some snatch thieves stab your wife and led her bleed to death just to steal her handbag. What would you do if you were fully capable of stopping them, with force if necessary (because they're armed)? Will you just sit idly by and take a moral high ground by saying "let the cops do their job"?
Jae Senn,
ReplyDeletethere is, indeed something wrong with this.
simply, the police should do their duty in the first place. taking care of criminals is not the duty of the common people. meting out the punishment is the duty of the court of justice.
emotion has no place here!
Hi jae, i understand your frustration, but bear in mind this is a country rule by law. The criminal shall be punish according to law. The police have no rights to judge the criminal so does the normal citizen. Jae, if everyone is attempt to be a judge, the whole country in chaos.
ReplyDeleteI think that you have not had the experience of being robbed by armed men before, hence, it is easier to take the high moral ground. Let me tell you from first hand experience that armed robbers have no qualms and normally attack before informing their intention of wanting something from you. I feel for the victim and the rescuers and I think the police did not completely turn a blind eye as alledged. You have to be there to be fair.
ReplyDeleteIn such spontaneous situation, human beings will show their animal instinct. Passing judgment, rightfully or wrongfully will not serve the purpose.
ReplyDeleteObviously the police are not professionally trained to handle such explosive event let alone knowing their functional duty to prevent mob violence and allowing the public to take law in their own hands.
In the presence of the Police, law and order should take precedence and the polic must not be mere witness and stand idly by.
That goes to show how well equiped PDRM law enforcers are being trained in crowd control.
Well typical Malaysian mentality....what to do.Go AMOK everywhere.....Bravo police for just watching the scene unfold. Stupid fuckers cant even control the crowd and they want to be police.Pls dont get me wrong....i am not supporting the bandits. But where the fuck is the Police proffesionalism. Sorry i forgot they are kayuuuuu. Pukimak police
ReplyDeleteWhile I am normally a law-abiding person, I can be extremely violent if extremely provoked. But on balance, the stripped shirt ketuanan melayu is really going too far. I am not taking sides. By all means, beat up the crook, but to kill him? Nah, I think that's not right in that particular situation. Let's say, the pukima polis does nothing there and the crook is actually killed by the stripped shirt ketuanan melayu, what happens? Arrest the ketuanan melayu for murder, or thank him for killing the crook. You tell me.
ReplyDeleteIn Nigeria, if the public catches pickpockets then they will beat the hell out of this person, passersby will just grab anything and break it on persons head and sometimes even glass bottles, some of those pickpockets sometimes die by the roadside due to it. As for snatch thieves, then the crowd might even kill them. I've seen for myself a charred body of a snatch thieves by the roadside. What the crowd did was, they grabbed an old tyre from the roadside tyre repairing guy and put it on the snatch thieves that they caught and pour some petrol on the old tyre and burn the snatch thieves alive.
ReplyDeleteSo ask yourself, if you want Malaysia to be like that. Our government can waste so much money on unnecessary things, why
Can't they install CCTV on every corner of the street and catch the criminals and put them in jail. Main problem is PDRM inefficiencies.
Try make a police report after you have been robbed or if someone broke into your house, then you'll find out how
Efficient our PDRM is and you'll realize why crimes are escalating in Malaysia.
The whole scene reflects the state of anarchy and failing law and order. From the high rate of crime to the mob justice on the street, we can see that we are descending towards the situation of Nigeria as told by "Anonymous" above. We are actually not far from it.
ReplyDeleteThis Youtube scene is not the end yet. What happened at the police station after? Will there be more beatings? Will there be bribery to get him released to come back to rob another time?
Everyone has a point here whether it is made through emotion, experience or whatever. But isn't it sad that our society has become like this? Have we asked ourselves who have failed us and how could a country become such a state?
The two robber suspects deserved the mob justice otherwise the innocent victims might be robbed or even be killed. Look at the weapons in their car. Do we need to protect the robbers? Whoever had posted this video need to analyse the circumstances and do not simply criticized the PDRM. What can a handful of police do to control the large anger crowd? They have done their best and how do you feel if you were fallen victim to these robbers or perhaps injured or killed by them. The citizen mob are trying to mete out justice and perhaps reduce the increasing crimes as this will serve as a warning to the other criminals.
ReplyDeleteFirst of all is the police's job to protect citizen's lives. Be it a victim or robber. Robbers shld be brought to court. Citizen taking law in their own hands is an offence and could have been hurt unnecessarily. We might not be able to stop angry citizen mob taking action but is the POLICE TO BE BLAMED if they allowed beating carry on. What if the one got beaten is your brother or close relative.
ReplyDeleteBravo to the mob! At least they didn't stay idly by...on too many occassions, the public turned a blind eye to crimes happening right in front of their very eyes. More Malaysians should be like the mob.
ReplyDeleteMr Damien sir, when your go out of your house, please ensure that you and your daughters wear signs that prominently display the words "Do not help us," so that when you and your daughters are being victimised in public, we know that it is your explicit wish that we do not come to you or your daughters' aid.
Firstly, I dont think that police was there when the beatings started. Which would mean that the robbers were already being beaten when the police came.
ReplyDeleteThe next thing would be that the police should have broke up the crowd and get the robber into custody.
The first thing is that the crowd would be very angry to see what the robber has done and was still trying to get away. It would be silly to think that they will just catch the robber and hand him over to the police. They will definitely want to beat the crap out of the robber. They are still human and they have emotions. More so if the person who was robbed was a family member or friend, even if the robbed was some stranger.
Second is that knowing the response time of the police, the robber must have been beaten for quite some time before they came.
Wehn the police came, they should do crowd control which was not evident in the video although I do support the continuous beatings of the crooks. If you have such lacking in the response time, you would have to take matters into your own hands...
I am not really saying that we should bash the brains out of the robbers and take the law into our own hands... but if the law responds in such a slow manner, as you can see in the video, it seems like the policemen are just standing around, talking to each other, trying to figure out what to do... then the public should not be blamed to vent their anger our on the crook...
Jae Senn is right.
ReplyDeleteExperience it and you know the frustration and anger you have for the devils.
So you all want to be gentle to the robbers, burglars,thieves,kidnappers and all those devils? wait until they fcuk your wife or your daughters or your sister in-laws right infront of you, and you enjoy the show, if it makes you realise!
The Police has got their duties. But we are Human Beings! Damn fools!!!
Spin this video to smear hatred!!!
Unfortunately the majority of the Malaysian public are a bunch of cowards who live in fear. They never want to'get involved', they never help someone in difficulty unless they outnumber any assailant or alleged assailant by 20 to 1, and only then does cowardice and frustration come out when in a blood lust they will in true mob fashion beat someone to death. I have been with a friend who had to call an ambulance for an unconscious motorcyclist lying at the side of a busy road in the middle of KL, when dozens of other passers by ignored the situation. My wife and I were the only people to help a Malay lady who had just been robbed in the street, whilst several other people just stood watching from a few feet away but offered no help at all. Only today I hear that a foreigner who was shot and wounded by robbers when he went to help a robbery victim has actually been given a 'bravery medal' by the Malaysian government' in a situation where once again the foreigner was the only one who went to help. And yes I have been robbed 4 times in 9 years in Malaysia and my wife robbed twice and attacked once, so we have also been on the receiving end of things in Malaysia's 'law abiding' 'we execute drug smugglers' etc, etc, etc, society too. No easy answers but what Malaysia needs is a professional and efficient police force, a general public who behave in a civilized manner, and offer help to those in need, not just beat to death people who are no longer an immediate threat to them. As for those in this blog who seem to approve of mob rule, I suggest you go and live in the jungle with the monkeys, you will feel right at home there.
ReplyDeleteHey this was in Pandan Indah.. in front of my house!!
ReplyDeleteI know what happened. I was not there when this happened but my brother was!
Jae Senn is right. This robbers were assholes who robbed an elderly man just before the incident. The old man tried to fight back but was beaten up.
When people saw what happened, they tried to give chase but could not catch the robber cos they were in modified cars.. the tow truck call man, also in souped up cars manage to give chase and knocked into the robbers car.
When this happened, the robbers tried to attack the call man that knocked them with weapons, but before that could happen, all the call man's friends had arrived and over powered the robbers. And everyone else joined in.
I read on MT how some people were being racist and calling the malay man in striped shirt all sorts of names.. well to those people, i say "screw you!" .. the victim was an old chinese man for your info.. and the first one to give chase was that malay man you saw beating him! He was probably pissed off that he was attacked when he confronted the robbers..
Think la before you write, you people sometimes like to shoot from your hips.
PS - im chinese too.
I believe it's the same procedure everywhere in Malaysia after you reported being a crime victim to the PDRM. First they take down your statement and makes you sign it. They will add an assurance they knows who the robber are and will be working on it. Next they will give you their Inspector's H/P number to call to follow-up. After that when you did call several times, the inspector will aways be on leave. The case will be forgotten after several weeks and your report just goes into police statistic of how many crime was reported. We do know of many cases that goes unreported, what is the use of reporting beside going to police statistical figure?
ReplyDeleteAnother incident where my car was broken into and valuables stolen and I went to the nearest police station about 1km away. I was told to go to another police station about 5km away as the area boundary is another police station!
ReplyDeletePunjabi guy so HUGE - like a GIANT
Have to hand it to the Punjabis - they fight for truth and justice wherever they are - the true Warrior clan
Anyhow, mob vigilante justice like this is not the answer
These petty thieves only steal small amounts - what about the BIG CROOKS in Government - stealing BILLIONS while smiling and supposedly "serving the people and Nation"
THEY are the ones who should be whacked like this
True or not?
But then again, with what Humans are doing to innocent, poor, defenseless Animals - this is EXACTLY how it manifests in society
As you do, so shall you feel in return ;-)
Man can only hope for peace when they show compassion to the REALLY defenseless who are at out mercy - the ANIMALS
Until then, violence, murder, mayhem, chaos, madness will RULE
Hi Guys,
ReplyDeleteI am really understanding on the frustration of every citizen on the criminal in Malaysia. Most of us not intentionally put all the blame to PDRM, the incident above is showing to us the unprofessional of our Malaysia Police into handling such scenario, and I am not blaming those people who mobbing the robber. But if PDRM act professionally on handling the crime, such incident above not even need to happen.
Malaysian, I know most of us are law abiding citizen. But due to the ineffective of our PDRM, we are frustrated and we try to be our own Policemen + judge as well.
ReplyDeleteDon't just simply blog about PDRM if you have nothing to write. Were you at the mob scene and actually know what had happened? If, you were not there, please don't simply pass judgement and criticize PDRM!!! What if you were the victim of the robbery instead of the old man, what would be your reaction? Please don't protect the criminal. If the public did not taken action and be a coward like you just know how to write to criticize. No wonder the crime rate is on the increase in the country.
ReplyDeleteAll of you were wrong !!!Those who said they were there, or they heard about the story or whatsoever were wrong !!! Anybody can claim anything....including "this video clip is not an original clip..lots of cut here and there..". So do not waste your time here...it is office hour now....go and do your work to earn for your family !! (...anyway I am on leave today !)
Thanks for more details, Jxian.
ReplyDeleteFor most people who have not been robbed or mugged, they can easily say "Let the cops do their job", or "bashing up criminals is not the right thing to do".
Have you seen how the cops arrest Mat Rempits who smash car windows in an attempt to mug people? Those rascals will be out of the police station within 1 to 2 hours, ready to be a nuisance to society again.
Have you ever had your car window smashed in a mugging attempt, and went to make a police report? I did. The incident happened in Damansara Jaya, and I reported it at the police station there, only to be told to make another report at Kota Damansara because that's where they're sending out the patrol cars from. At Kota Damansara, after taking my statement they said that the suspects have headed to KL, and it's not under their jurisdiction so they're asking their KL counterparts to keep a look out, and asked me if I want to make a report at a station in KL as well!
That is how reliable our police force is. More than anything, it's their apathy and bureaucracy that's dragging the whole system down.
Why is crime is getting worse in Malaysia? Easy.
1) Criminals are getting bolder because they know that Malaysians are generally apathetic and unhelpful
2) Criminals are fearless because they know most Malaysians are cowards who only know how to say "Let the cops do their job"
3) Criminals keep robbing, stealing, assaulting and raping again and again because they know that the police response time is slow.
And how does the general public do their part? Exactly like how people are responding in the comments here and on MT - Don't beat up the criminals, don't behave like animals, just let the cops do their jobs, etc.
Is it any wonder that crime is getting worse day after day.
To that guy who's been robbed numerous times and still say that those who approve of mob rule should live in the jungle, well all I can say is you had it coming. Do you think that by your "high morality" and "civilized behavior" the criminals will suddenly feel bad and turn over a new leaf?
Your head is in a dreamworld while you're tasting the bitter reality. Wake up and dish out some cold justice to criminals, because that's the only justice that most of us can ever hope to have.
If a neighborhood is notorious for having "cowboys" who beat up any criminal until they're permanently disabled in some way, chances are criminals will be less likely to harass that neighborhood and go elsewhere to "easier" locations. But thanks to cowardly Malaysians, every neighborhood is fair game to criminals nowadays!
weii... Police are just promoting 1MALAYSIA !!
ReplyDeleteThey saw the unity when the punjabi guy caught the criminal from behind, the indian guy punching his face, the malay guy hammering him, and a chinese guy giving a few blows to his head! So they allowed it to happen to help promote 1malaysia.
I fully support my malaysian brothers taking on the criminal. You all talk about justice, bla bla bla.. u think the criminals care about your justice ah? U think they care about rule of law isit? they are criminals, they will kill u before u kill them. They deserve what came their way.
My malay friends will say "berani buat, berani tanggung lah"
If i were there, I would have stabbed the fucking robber with my knife through his guts and rip out his intestines.
ReplyDeleteThe Title could be Misleading..?
ReplyDeleteThe issue was armed robbers in souped car (after robbing an old man) was chased and cornered by civic-conscious minded public.
The general public is really fedup with all the snatch thefts happening,some resulting in innocent victims losing their valuables, some seriously injured, and some lost their lives!!
Perhaps, it will show the snatch thieves that crimes does not pay.
When caught by the public - expect some beatings!
Or when arrested by the Police, expect more than beatings during interrogations !!
Then maybe, all these street crimes will stop!!
Pity for the robbers ? No way! Did these scums had any conscience when they robbed the elderly, women folks, etc and the pain and trauma caused to the victims ??
your term "criminals" - what does it mean exactly?
ReplyDeleteit's a RELATIVE and SUBJECTIVE term
to Vegetarians and Vegans, all meat-eaters are CRIMINALS
what is criminal and what is not? who are you to judge
it's relative and keeps changing - what is criminal here is legal there - what was criminal back then, is legal now - etc
a wise man told me once - if you EAT Animals, then you will BEHAVE like Animals
Beat the robber up? I fully agree.
ReplyDeleteKill the robber? I completely disagree.
The crime must fit the punishment.
Those of you who say kill the bastard are really talking nonsense.
wOW, if the spirit shown here directed to those criminals who stole millions or even billions of RM, we would have better government. What to do, most of the people are gedebeh/heroes kampung only.
ReplyDeletekill em. good job to the tow truck operators. big up to the dute that hammer their head in. syabas
if they went to trial the best they can get is 7 years tops. this way they will have some scars to remind them not to rob again
malaysian are such pussies.
If Polis doesn't do its job, the average Joe has to do it. Well done, guys! BTW, did the big Indian chap ask to borrow the motorcyclist's helmet? Would have had a more deterrent effect on would-be robbers.
ReplyDeleteYes, thanks to the public, the robbers (probably murderers too) were subject to some good beating and handed over to the police.
ReplyDeleteThe public may have to resort to such acts if the police force continued to be worthless. Crime rate is going up yet the police force does not seem to be worried by it. What happened to the elderly man who got robbed may as well happen to us too. Until the police force starts doing their job, the public may as well take over the job of the police.
they are only as good as controlling ceramah & at best, peaceful demonstration - full stop
ReplyDeleteSeems to me that many of Malaysians still live in a idealistic world. Thinking that the law and order will protect them.
ReplyDeleteTruth is, in Malaysia it will not happen. We have to look out for each other. Just look at the area of Petaling Jaya. Every resident association had set up their own gated residency just to ward off all these robbers!!!
I am all for the mob in teaching this BASTARDS a lesson. At least it will serve a stern warning to all those robbers. To add, we won't have to waste funds in building more prisons.
You idealistic guys had not even experienced being slashed and seen your beloved ones raped before!!!
It is easy to preach some kind of "justice will prevail" principles, if you are staying away from Malaysia, like somewhere safe in PERTH. So dream on and WAKE UP!!! Smell the shit in the ghetto and see how it will change your bloody view!!!
No doubt if we live by the sword we will be prepared to die by it. But given the scenario, fighting fire with fire is just the best short term solution until there is a radical reform in our enforment and judiciary system!!!
So to all, instead of writing and whining on the blogs, remember to buy a plane ticket back for GE13 to vote BN OUT!!! And to those still in Msia, remember to drag your arse down for any protest!!!
There is still a rule of law and the law should be upheld. As the PDRM is not able to do this, the onus has to be on the government to change this and increase the safety of the public. If they can't do it they have to be booted out and replaced. How can anyone condone public lynching is beyond me unless as I said before you come from the dark ages or is violent yourself. Are you saying that we be judge, jury and executioneer?
ReplyDeleteI have not defended the criminals and any attempt to say I have shows a lack of accuracy. I have no problem with them being apprehended until the police arrive, but for the police to let them get beaten in front of them and do nothing is criminal. Mob justice you agree with?
Some wankers are saying things like "what if it happened to your love one" etc. How do you know what I have or have not experienced? You don't know if I or my loved ones have experienced violence from criminals and you shoot through your arse when you say that. Has it happened to you? You talk like some violent thug because some horrific violent act happened to yourself or loved one? Even so, show some civility, you're bigger than that. Bigger than taking a hammer and hammering the hell out of another human being and if you're not then good luck to you.
Some of you are no better than the thugs we see using the hammers to hammer the brain out of the guy.
I don't see how I was or was not there is at all relevant to me posting the video and giving my opinions? If Malaysia wants to be a developed nation, then yes our government and the police have to be overhauled, but so too does the mentality of some people whom by the comments above seem to be nothing more than neanderthal.
I have to toast those brave guys who apprehended the robbers. Can you imagine them on the loose and out to rob and hurt their next victim. It can be you or your love ones. They deserved the beating they received.They reaped what they sowed.They do not dread going to prison for 1 or 2 years. Once out of prison they go out robbing again. They need to be taught something very painful to give them a permanent reminder of the consequences of their act.
ReplyDeleteDamien, the fact that you are against criminals getting beaten up proves that you haven't gone through an actual encounter with armed criminals before. Nuff said. Don't sit in Perth and talk cock from an imaginary moral high-ground.
ReplyDeleteIn Malaysia and most third-world country for that matter, armed criminals only get slapped on the wrist for serious crimes that even result in victims disfigured or getting crippled. There was even a report in Malaysia that said most criminals, after serving their jail term, come back out into society and do the same shit again! Most of the robbers, rapists, etc. who are jailed are REPEAT OFFENDERS.
That's because most people are PUSSY just like you, that's why the robbers aren't afraid to commit the same crimes over and over. If a deterrent is needed, the public needs to do their part.
Bravo to the mob!
can you people quit complaining like holier-than-thou HYPOCRITES?!
ReplyDeletewould you rather be in Philippines?
Texas is the only state in the US that allows free weapons ownership. If you have a firearm license, you can buy as many rifles and guns as you like, and as much ammo as you can afford. The people are disciplined and responsible gun owners and do not use the opportunity to wreak havoc (but that's also because if you wave a gun around to try and start trouble, law-abiding citizens can shoot you dead).
ReplyDeleteIt's not surprising then that Texas has the lowest rate (almost non-existent) of armed robberies and serious crimes in the whole of the United States.
What does that tell us? Responsible citizens who are allowed to use deadly force when applicable to uphold public order and to neutralize threats will ensure a safe and peaceful society, and present an effective long-term deterrent against serious crimes and armed robberies.
On the other hand, places in which regular citizens are not allowed to be armed for protection and are not allowed to use necessary force to neutralize criminals are those that are most susceptible to armed criminals and even oppression from a government gone bad.
These are simple facts that leftists will never understand.
All this ppl pretend to have high morality when in fact they are coward hiding behind the name of justice.
ReplyDeleteI would really love to see what they say when their loved ones are being victimised by these ruthlessly barbaric scum of society..
about Texas - you're right in the same way that Nuclear weapons have - so far - been a deterrent for World War III
ReplyDeletecause ain't nobody gonna launch when they gonna get it back the same, instantly almost
like a Mexican stand-off
having said that - if someone DOES launch - then expect ALL HELL TO BREAK LOOSE!!!
I agree with Jae Sennn.
ReplyDeleteI don't normally condone brutality but I act on my instinct if required.
I have this experience of joint a crowd catching an indonesian who had just grab an envelope full of cash from a chinese family in Miri. What do you expect us to do? Ask the culprit to hand over the money politely?