Friday, June 4, 2010

Israel a Pariah State

Israel has proved itself once again to be a pariah state that will go to any lengths to “protect” itself even if it means killing scores of innocent people. I once believed that Israel had a right to defend itself against enemy attack but over the years my eyes have opened to the kind of extreme behaviour it would go through to kill off the enemy.

It could be argued if Israel had broken international law by boarding the activist’s ship in international waters and we should leave that to the law experts however, the point here is really not whether laws have been broken but the extent that Israel would go to enforce those laws. Once again Israel has proven they have not got an ounce of compassion nor have made any effort to avert the loss of lives, a concept which they seem not to comprehend.

Israel for decades has accused Palestine of terrorizing its people and that their responses merely reflect the seriousness of the threat that the Palestinians pose to them. What they fail to mention is that part of the problem is that they have kicked the Palestinians out of their homes, bulldozed them and moved their people in. A good analogy would be like I raped your sister and you threatened to beat me up for that. For threatening me you are now labelled a terrorist but the true crime that started this was that I raped your sister and that is what many fail to realise is that the Israelis kicked the Palestinians out of their own homes and expect them to be happy about it.

For years Israel has used the excuse of self protection to flout international law. They use disproportionate force to retaliate against an enemy ill equipped to handle the force of the Israeli army. Israel will not stop at anything to kill off the enemy even if that means assassinating top leaders of the enemy. They once tried to kill Yasser Arafat by bombing his residence but Arafat survived. Scores of other Hamas and PLO leaders weren’t so lucky being at the receiving end of Israeli bullets because they posed a threat to Israel like the recent case where a top Hamas leader was assassinated by Israeli intelligence and used forged Australian passports in the operation. The Israeli ambassador was subsequently expelled from Australia over the fiasco.

Israel has been a rogue state for far too long and in the past has been allowed to do so by the international community led by the main perpetrator the United States. USA’s Israel is China’s North Korea. In this incident you would have preferred the statements issued by the White House to have stronger condemnation similar to that issued with the bombing of the South Korean naval ship by North Korea but this was lacking. The international community might have realised that this is the best chance to get Israel back in line as their behaviour of late have been getting beyond that of a reasonable member of the international community.

For Israel’s part they have justified their actions by blaming the people on board for instigating violence against their soldiers. While they said they knew the people in the ship wanted to create violence they nevertheless never mad a half decent effort to avert a confrontation. What they did was used live ammunition against the sticks used by the people onboard resulting in deadly consequences. You can’t help but believe from the dozens of TV interviews done by their ministers and spokes people, they even believe their own lies.

The issues have never really been about Israel protecting itself but they way in which they go about doing it. The UN should say enough is enough and bring Israel back in line. The world should condemn Israel in no uncertain terms for being the rogue state that it is and action should be taken against them. The brutality of the Israeli government and armed forces in dealing with any perceived threats from its Arab neighbours are now becoming part of the problem to achieving peace in the Middle East. The sooner Israel is made to comply to minimum standards of decent behaviour against humanity the better the prospect for peace will be but until then Israel will be the Pariah of the Middle East.

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