Monday, March 9, 2009

Daylight Savings and Sunday Shopping for idiots!

Now for the life of me I cannot understand why the majority of West Australians are opposed to daylight savings and Sunday shopping. Maybe I've been out of WA too much of my life to think like a typical West Aussie as I swear the majority of 'true' West Aussies I speak to are hell bent opposed to daylight savings and Sunday shopping. Now you can argue both ways till the cows come home (and actually some do use cows as a reason to oppose daylight savings but we won't go into those details here otherwise it will be ten pages long), but my view is plain and simple. During summer the days are longer and the nights are shorter and this should be reflected in our clocks.

And how about those who say Sunday shopping is not for Perth. Now I'm a bit more sympathetic to this cause due to my personal association with the retail industry but nevertheless if Perth is to grow as a city, for the life of me stop choking the growth of the city by so called do gooders who claim they are only looking out for the quality of life of West Australians. I would like to have the shops available for me when I need to buy something. When I leave work, I can't go to the shops as they are already closed. They are only open when I am at work!

Now why I say I have some sympathy (albeit it a small one) with the opposition to Sunday trading is because sometimes there are no one willing to work on Sundays and the regular weekday worker will need to do the Sunday work, hence their quality of life may suffer as they will have less time with family etc. which usually occurs on Sundays for a working family. However, I believe the onus is on the employer to get the resource balance right and with the economy as it is, I'm sure there should not be any problems. Also with the economy as bad as it is and the government asking consumers to spend, spend, spend, isn't it only logical to give the consumer as much chance to spend as possible by opening the shops on Sunday. I have to admit the most money I have spent on non-grocery type shopping is always on Sundays.

C'mon West Australians, grow up from the 'kampong' (village) mentality.

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