Wednesday, March 11, 2009

An Example of Singaporean Materialism - Really Nauseating!!

Now before I start I want there to be no misunderstanding that this is just another Singaporean bashing session, however I don't blame you if you do just that.

While I was at work today, I received an email from my auntie with a newspaper attachment from a Singaporean newspaper. In this article the writer wrote about a 16 year old 'spoilt' brat who got everything and anything she wanted from her parents. Apparently, she buys Luis Vuitton handbags and the latest mobile phones even though she is only 16 and unemployed. But mama and papa will spoil her silly. She goes on to boast that in spite of the recession her 'spending habits' will not change and seem to be basking in the glory of her five minutes of fame boasting like there was no tomorrow, that mama and papa are rich and there is nothing that they would not buy for her.

Now, while I was reading this article, I was waiting for the 'punch line', like why this behaviour was unacceptable or how kids today have lost all focus on humanity, service to society or contribution to mandkind, but to my utter surprise that was it. Nope, nada, tada...that was it. The article just (in my opinion) glorified this ugly brat (her picture was enclosed). How can the newspaper be so void of newsworthy articles that they have to put this kind of garbage on? The worrying part though, is that this Singaporean neswpaper was probably thinking the information contained was not garbage and was indeed newsworthy.

I can only put it down to the shallowness of the writer and editor that somehow the materialism of the kids with rich parents who spoil them silly is indeed newsworthy. How do they even know that what this girl told the paper is true? I can say that too! Mum's buying me a Ferari next week, (...I wish!). I would expect to read about the environment, economy, child truancy, abuse in the home, racism in sport, the increasing road toll, the rort in the judiciary etc etc. but not about about a spoilt brat. Wtf, is the writer hoping that the reader will go 'Oooh' 'Waah' in envy? Who cares!


  1. I received the same newspaper cutting on the subject's materialistic attitude.

    However, I think you are being unfair to the writer for what you perceive to be his/her silent stance on the subject matter.

    Sometimes, one doesn't have to be critical and put it explicitly. The fact that they published it isw already a demonisation of her puerile character.

    This is what I term as the art of subtlety.

    Your Malaysian cousin, Ryan.

  2. I never considered that there was an underlying message but now that you mentioned it, it does make sense. It's just my weak ability to 'read between the lines' that his subtlety is lost with me. There is every chance I'm not the only one as well, which is why I think if you had something to say, just say it otherwise the message will be lost on those that the message was intended for. But good call as you have a point.
